Friday, December 9, 2011

Reflection on Blood Meridian

Please provide a response to the aforementioned chapters for Friday's seminar. Follow the directions. Post by Thursday.

Sonnet Alert!

Share the lines you have committed to memory with the class. Performances of the first eight lines are scheduled for the week of Dec. 19th-22nd.

Sentence Outline Template

If you're unsure about the sentence outline format, use this Word Template to help you out.
Link to Outline

If you have an older version of Word (e.g. 1997-2003), you might want to use this link.
(Mr. Largy & Myranda F. collaboration.)

"Good luck!"

Friday, December 2, 2011

Our first assignment

You found it!

Now, write in your favorite movie quote and let us know why you decided to share it.

Mr. Kimes:

Every man dies, but not every man really lives.

This is from the movie Braveheart where the lead character, played by Mel Gibson, is trying to get his outmanned Scottish troops pumped up for a battle with the English, who have come to take their land, liberty and lives.  It is a fictional re-telling of the real life story of a man named William Wallace who may have said such a thing, but in reality it is just more Hollywood hype that sells tickets and gets people academy awards.  Well, regardless, I love that scene.